Title: 【星のシャララン / Star Shalaran 】
Song Creation & Voice
By Asami GOTO

Please listen to it!

O型 Pisces 趣味 シャンソン

Asami GOTO
Textile artist and Japanese-style painter
Member of Japan International Artists Association

【サムサラの森/ 太陽の暗号】新作制作中です
[Samsara Forest/The Code of the Sun] New work in progress
F50 (1167 x 910mm) x 2 works

日本画【妖花と朝蜘蛛 Ⅲ】
Japanese Style Painting
[Bewitchingly flowers and Morning spider Ⅲ]

2024年8月8日(木) 国立新美術館に於いて

The award ceremony was held at
the National Art Center, Tokyo on August 8, 2024.



なお、昨年受賞した≪パフォーマンス部門・優秀賞≫の表彰式が、2024年8月8日(木) 国立新美術館で行われます。

Geometric embroidery + sumi ink artwork will be exhibited at the “24th World Exhibition of Contemporary Art from France and Japan 2024 – Salon d’Automne Special Sponsor ” to be held at the National Art Center, Tokyo from August 8 (Thu) to 18 (Sun), 2024.

In addition, the award ceremony for last year’s “Excellence Award in the Performance Division” will be held at the National Art Center, Tokyo on August 8, 2024 (Thursday).


In August 2023
Held at the National Art Center, Tokyo【The 24th World Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Japan and France 2023 ~ Salon d’Automne Special Sponsor】 
≪ Performance Category, Excellence Award≫awarded.

2023年3月に東京都美術館で開催された 【AJC クリエイターズ コレクション展2023】に於いて、≪Fabric Art 部門/ 特別奨励賞≫を受賞しました。

I received the
“Special Encouragement Award” in the Fabric Art Division at the AJC Creators Collection
Exhibition 2023 held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum on March 26 (Sun.)


● 幾何学刺繡+墨アートについて ●

● About “Geometric embroidery + sumi ink Art

After studying textile art in France, I have been exploring a new relationship between space and art by providing my works to the entertainment industry and commercial spaces in Japan. Through a process of trial and error, he arrived at a unique technique of expression called “geometric embroidery + sumi ink art,” which expresses the inner universe using geometric embroidery and sumi ink.
The essence of textile art lies in the fluidization of ideas that transcend form and shape through the accumulation of lines of thread.
However, the origin of my creation lies in a deeper spirituality and an insight into and reverence for the natural world.
As a painter, I often go to the forest for interviews, and while observing the natural world, I repeatedly encounter geometric patterns that I call “fractals. Tree branches, leaf veins, ore crystals, ripples and wind currents–they all indicate universal rhythms that exist in the universe.
Currently, I am strongly interested in “cymatics” (sound vibration science), in which sound frequencies form geometric patterns, and I am exploring how to incorporate this into my work. Sound is an invisible entity, but it has the power to create shapes through vibration.
When it comes to my work, I always choose materials that are close to nature. Inspired by Japanese painting techniques, I use sumi ink, face painting, and gold leaf for coloring, and place black, white, gold, silver, and vermilion colors to create my works.

My art is not only about physical decoration, but I hope it will resonate deep within the viewer’s heart and awaken the inner universe.


Title:『奇妙な花たち/ The Strange Flowers』

size: S4(333×333mm)×4




Do flowers bloom from order, or do they emerge from chaos? This question guided my approach as I let threads fall freely, stitched them into place, and layered handmade washi sequins to create depth—allowing Strange Flowers to take shape organically.

Gold, silver, black, and red threads intertwine, blending chance with intention, revealing an uncalculated beauty. Gold and silver resonate as light and shadow, black embodies silence and depth, while red threads pulse with vitality, embodying the heartbeat of life itself.

This piece was created without a preliminary sketch, relying entirely on instinct. The process felt as if the flowers themselves willed their own existence, shaping their form upon the fabric. The threads fall naturally, entangle, and are secured in place—giving rise to beauty through chance and spontaneity.

Title:『サムサラの森 Ⅱ/ Samsara Forest Ⅱ』

size: F80×2(2240×1455mm)

この世界のすべては振動し、周波数として存在する。 生命もまた、異なる波長を持つエネルギー体であり、森の中では無数の波が交差し、調和しながら巡り続けている。幾何学模様の刺繍は、その見えざる波動の可視化であり、生命の根源的なリズムを象徴する。

The forest endlessly cycles through life and death. Branches wither and fall, only to give way to new buds, birthing fresh life. Animals breathe in rhythm with the forest’s pulse, and plants sway in the wind, composing the melody of existence. Everything is interwoven, moving in harmony with an unseen force that keeps it all in motion.
Everything exists as vibration, as frequency. Life itself is an intricate network of energy waves, continuously resonating and merging within the forest. The geometric embroidery in this piece is a visual manifestation of these unseen frequencies, capturing the fundamental rhythm that governs all living beings.
“Samsara Forest” is an expression of the beauty of this unceasing cycle and the eternal rhythm woven by all living things.

Title:『宇宙のシズク 01/ Drops of the Universe 01』

size: F40 (1000×803mm)



The origin of life lies within the vast expanse of the cosmos. The very elements that compose meteorites are the same as those that form our bodies. Life itself is a drop spilled from the universe—sustained by the energy that continuously rains down from the stars.

In this work, the artist visualizes the connection between the energy of the universe and life through geometric embroidery using gold, silver, and black threads, followed by ink and gold leaf. Two mirror-like compositions are inverted and combined into one unified work. This duality symbolizes the harmony of opposing forces, each reflecting and resonating with the other, creating an underlying order.

Title:『 妖花と朝蜘蛛』
『Enchanted Blossoms and the Morning Spider』

size: F30(910×727mm



This work captures the delicate beauty of nature and the powerful, pulsating force that lies beneath it. The vivid blossoms, radiating warmth and fire, are not merely flowers but embodiments of life’s raw impulse. Their colors symbolize both vitality and destruction, flickering between creation and dissolution, mirroring the fragile balance that defines existence.

As the morning light emerges, the spider vanishes, leaving only its web behind. This speaks to the liminality between “presence” and “absence”—reminding us that the most fundamental forces shaping our world often remain unseen. Do only visible things truly exist, or is it the unseen that forms the foundation of reality? Like the dewdrops shimmering on a spider’s silk, this question lingers softly in the depths of our awareness.

Title: 『浮遊する金魚』/ The Floating Goldfish

size: F40 (1000×803mm)

Title: 『開闢(かいびゃく)』/ The creation

size: F50×2 (1820×1167mm)

Title: 『夜の太陽が統べる森で、魚の夢を見た。
/I dreamed of fish in the forest where the night sun ruled.』/

size: s30×3 (910×2730mm)

Geometric Embroidery + Sumi Ink Art
Lesson information

幾何学刺繍+墨アート 創案 /五島アサミ

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