
Video of ≪How to draw hemp leaf patterns≫ and the hidden meaning of geometric patterns ①









Hemp leaf pattern

Hemp leaves have been used as a pattern to ward off bad luck since ancient times.

Hexagons, which are made up of triangles that are meant to ward off evil, were thought to have even stronger power to ward off evil.It is no exaggeration to say that the hemp leaf pattern, with its mysterious and powerful power to ward off evil, is loved by people all over the world.

Hemp has a high vitality and can grow up to 4 meters in 4 months without much effort,and it has been a favorite material for daily utensils and clothing of the Japanese people since ancient times.
In the Heian period (794-1185), hemp was used to decorate Buddhist statues
with hemp leaf patterns, indicating that the hemp plant was a part of Japanese religious beliefs.

In my personal opinion, a six-pointed star can be seen as an equilateral triangle and an inverted triangle are hidden within a single hemp leaf pattern.
The six-pointed star also has various meanings to ward off evil,and has been handed down as a mysterious pattern since ancient times.

The equilateral triangle represents positive connotations such as ≪working on oneself, yang, light, creation, goodness, fire, male≫, while the inverted triangle has negative connotations such as ≪being influenced by outside forces, yin, darkness, destruction, evil, water, female≫.
As such, the hexagram is a symbol of conflicting energies and the maintenance of harmony and balance.

Geometric patterns are very mysterious and the more one learns about them,the more profound they become, and I believe that they provide the key to unlocking the secrets of this world.



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Video of “How to draw hemp leaf pattern lines

The image was edited to appear as if lines were drawn one by one.
The red arrow is the point where the line begins to be drawn.

Eventually, we plan to make HOW TO videos of various patterns
available for download for a fee.


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