五島アサミ / Asami GOTO
JAPAN International Artist Society Member

東京生まれ O型 Pisces



Textile artist
Japanese Style Painter

Born in Tokyo.
Repeatedly moved from Sapporo to France to Tokyo to the United States,Currently lived in Tokyo,Japan.

Hobby: Singing chansons

日本画新作、制作中です。 / New Japanese style painting, in progress.

This is a work in progress.A series of “Strange Flowers” is being developed.



なお、昨年受賞した≪パフォーマンス部門・優秀賞≫の表彰式が、2024年8月8日(木) 国立新美術館で行われます。

Geometric embroidery + sumi ink artwork will be exhibited at the “24th World Exhibition of Contemporary Art from France and Japan 2023 – Salon d’Automne Special Support” to be held at the National Art Center, Tokyo from August 8 (Thu) to 18 (Sun), 2024.

In addition, the award ceremony for last year’s “Excellence Award in the Performance Division” will be held at the National Art Center, Tokyo on August 8, 2024 (Thursday).


In August 2023
Held at the National Art Center, Tokyo【The 24th World Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Japan and France 2023 ~ Salon d’Automne Special Sponsor】 
≪ Performance Category, Excellence Award≫awarded.

2023年3月に東京都美術館で開催された 【AJC クリエイターズ コレクション展2023】に於いて、≪Fabric Art 部門/ 特別奨励賞≫を受賞しました。

I received the
“Special Encouragement Award” in the Fabric Art Division at the AJC Creators Collection
Exhibition 2023 held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum on March 26 (Sun.)




●About “Geometric embroidery + sumi ink Art
After studying textile art in France,I have provided textile artwork for the Japanese entertainment industryand commercial spaces.
As a Japanese-Style painter, I sometimes go into the forest for research purposes, and as I observe the natural world, I often come across geometric patterns called “fractals”.
I learned that this pattern has a soothing effect on the viewer, and after much trial and error, I created a method of expression called “Geometric Embroidery +Sumi ink Art”.
In recent years, I has developed a strong interest in the fact that geometric patterns are formed from sound frequencies, and has been trying how to incorporate this fact into my own work.

The materials used in the production are chosen to be as close to the natural world as possible.Inspired by Japanese style painting, I also use sumi ink and pigments to apply colors.The work is mainly composed of black, white, gold, silver, and vermilion.

Asami GOTO is an award-winning artist based in Japan whose Works have been exhibited in France and Spain, New York as well as Japan. Focusing on the invisible realm of this world, she reveals the essence of things and sublimates it into her art.
Her works are mainly symbolic depictions of the universe, nature, animals, plants, and insects.


Title:『奇妙な花たち/ The Strange Flowers』

size: S4(333×333mm) 


Organic cotton and sumi ink are the basic materials used, along with a variety of other materials. Blending abstract forms with geometric patterns, I unleashes a whirlwind of inner emotions, while the intertwined threads and expressionistic ink blotches express the chaotic beauty of growth and decay.

Title:『サムサラの森 Ⅱ/ Samsara Forest Ⅱ』

size: F80×2(2240×1455mm)


This work expresses the mystery of life that circulates through all things in the forest.
It captures the inner realm that would come into view when looking at the essence of things from a metaphysical perspective.

Title:『 妖花と朝蜘蛛
/ Bewitchingly flower and Morning Spider/』

size: F30(910×727mm


In this work, he captures the delicate beauty of nature and the powerful vibrancy of life that underlies it. Abstract and symbolic elements intertwine to create vibrant flowers that radiate warmth and fire. The intricate spider web suggests interconnectedness and the cycle of life.

Title: 『浮遊する金魚』/ The Floating Goldfish

size: F40 (1000×803mm)

Title: 『開闢(かいびゃく)』/ The creation

size: F50×2 (1820×1167mm)

Title: 『夜の太陽が統べる森で、魚の夢を見た。
/I dreamed of fish in the forest where the night sun ruled.』/

size: s30×3 (910×2730mm)

/ How to make paints for Japanese style painting

Geometric Embroidery + Sumi Ink Art
Lesson information

幾何学刺繍+墨アート 創案 /五島アサミ

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